Source code for ocdsmerge.rules

from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import jsonref

from ocdsmerge.util import get_release_schema_url, get_tags

MergeRules = Dict[Tuple[str, ...], str]
Schema = Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]]

[docs] def get_merge_rules(schema: Schema = None) -> MergeRules: """ Returns merge rules as key-value pairs, in which the key is a JSON path as a tuple, and the value is the merge rule as a string ("omitWhenMerged" or "wholeListMerge"). """ schema = schema or get_release_schema_url(get_tags()[-1]) if isinstance(schema, dict): # jsonref.JsonRef is deprecated, but used for backwards-compatibility with jsonref 0.x. return _get_merge_rules_from_dereferenced_schema(jsonref.JsonRef.replace_refs(schema)) else: return _get_merge_rules_from_url_or_path(schema)
@lru_cache def _get_merge_rules_from_url_or_path(schema: str) -> MergeRules: if schema.startswith('http'): deref_schema = jsonref.load_uri(schema) else: with open(schema) as f: deref_schema = jsonref.load(f) return _get_merge_rules_from_dereferenced_schema(deref_schema) def _get_merge_rules_from_dereferenced_schema(deref_schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> MergeRules: return dict(_get_merge_rules(deref_schema['properties'])) def _get_merge_rules( properties: Dict[str, Any], path: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] = None ) -> Generator[Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], str], None, None]: """ Yields merge rules as key-value pairs, in which the first element is a JSON path as a tuple, and the second element is the merge rule as a string ("omitWhenMerged" or "wholeListMerge"). """ if path is None: path = () for key, value in properties.items(): new_path = path + (key,) types = _get_types(value) # `omitWhenMerged` supersedes all other rules. # See if value.get('omitWhenMerged') or value.get('mergeStrategy') == 'ocdsOmit': yield new_path, 'omitWhenMerged' # `wholeListMerge` supersedes any nested rules. # See elif 'array' in types and (value.get('wholeListMerge') or value.get('mergeStrategy') == 'ocdsVersion'): yield new_path, 'wholeListMerge' # See elif 'object' in types and 'properties' in value: yield from _get_merge_rules(value['properties'], path=new_path) # See elif 'array' in types and 'items' in value: item_types = _get_types(value['items']) if any(item_type != 'object' for item_type in item_types): yield new_path, 'wholeListMerge' elif 'object' in item_types and 'properties' in value['items']: if 'id' not in value['items']['properties']: yield new_path, 'wholeListMerge' else: yield from _get_merge_rules(value['items']['properties'], path=new_path) def _get_types(prop: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]: """ Returns a property's `type` as a list. """ if 'type' not in prop: return [] if isinstance(prop['type'], str): return [prop['type']] return prop['type']